Factors Affecting Mothers’ Anxiety in Facing Labour Sectio Caesarea (SC) di Hospital R.A. Basoeni Kab. Mojokerto

Irawati, Dian (2016) Factors Affecting Mothers’ Anxiety in Facing Labour Sectio Caesarea (SC) di Hospital R.A. Basoeni Kab. Mojokerto. Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan (Journal of Ners and Midwifery), 3 (3). pp. 310-315. ISSN 2355-052X

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Normal childbirth or caesarean section will cause psychological effects for the mother and the family. Maternal anxiety that undergoes caesarean section normally associated with all procedures that must be followed and life safety threat due to all kinds of surgical procedures and anesthesia action (Carpenito, 2001). This study aimed to determine the factors that effects maternal anxiety that undergo caesarean section. The research was a qualitative research with cross sectional. The population was maternal undergo caesarean section at R.A. Basoeni Hospital as many as 37 peoples and 27 samples were taken by simple random sampling. The data collected by questionnaires. The data were analyzed using logistic regression. Results: There was no significant effect of age on maternal anxiety in undergo caesarean section, there was no significant effect of parity on maternal anxiety in undergo caesarean section, There was a significant effect of birth complications on maternal anxiety that undergo caesarean section, there was no significant effect of the type of caesarean on maternal anxiety that undergo caesarean section, there was a significant effect of husband accompanying on maternal anxiety that undergo caesarean section, and together these factors 62.5% affect on maternal anxiety undergo caesarean section.Midwives should give a chance to her husband and family to accompany the mother during the preparation of the casarean section in order to reduce anxiety.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: ?? R1 ??
Divisions: ?? v3n3 ??
Depositing User: Yohanes Kurniawan
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2018 03:56
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2018 03:56
URI: http://repository.phb.ac.id/id/eprint/169

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