Analisa Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Perawat dalam melakukan Cuci Tangan pada Momen 1 dan Momen 2 di RSUD Kanjuruhan Kabupaten Malang

Wahyuni, Uma (2019) Analisa Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Perawat dalam melakukan Cuci Tangan pada Momen 1 dan Momen 2 di RSUD Kanjuruhan Kabupaten Malang. Masters thesis, STIKes Patria Husada Blitar.

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Hand hygiene is a procedure for cleaning hands using soap/antiseptic under running water or handrub wich aims to remove dirt from the skin mechanically and reduce the number of temporary microorganism. The impact of non-compliance on hand hygiene is the occurrence of nosocomial infections. The incidence of nosocomial infections has been used as a benchmark for the quality of hospital services based on Kepmenkes no. 129 of 2008 concerning minimum services standards, the standard incidence of nosocomial infections < 1,5%. The research objective was to analyze the factors that influence hand hygiene complience at moment 1 and moment 2. The method of this study was correlational research with a cross sectional approach. This study was conducted on 11 December 2017 to 11 January 2018 on Kanjuruhan Hospital Malang Regency, with the number of 33 samples were taken by questionnaire dan observation sheet. The statistical analysis test used was Spearman’s correlation test an multiple linear regression. The analysis result showed that motivation is the most dominant factor that influence th complience on hand hygiene of nurse at moment 1 and moment 2. Without motivation there will not be a force that dirrects an individual to a mecanism of emergence of compliance behaviour. One of the efforts that can be done to increase the motivation of nurse is the holding of a competition in complience on hand hygiene of nurse at five moment.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: Nursing
Divisions: Faculty of Nursing > Thesis Nursing Students
Depositing User: FRISCO TALISTI
Date Deposited: 15 May 2019 07:19
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2021 06:37

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